


About Panacol

Imagevideo 2023 - A short documentary about the lives of adhesives

The new Panacol headquarter building in Steinbach, just outside Frankfurt/Main, Germany 2022

Panacol Introduction: Learn more about our product portfolio and possible applications

Making of: Behind the scenes of the filming of our image film at the Panacol headquarters in Steinbach, summer of 2023

Adhesives for Electronics and Wearables

Black&Light Technology by Panacol: A new technology to cure black epoxy adhesives in deep layers with uv light only

Different adhesive applications in wearable devices

Bonding of Medical Devices and Needle Bonding

A one-stop solution for needle bonding together with dispensing equipment from bdtronic and uv curing systems from Dr. Hönle

Biocompatible adhesives for manufacturing wearables devices 

An example of bonding needles in medical syringes

Overview of the application fields of our medical grade adhesives

Jetting of Adhesives

Various Panacol adhesives are being jetted with perfecdos jetting valves. Precise dispensing at its best!


Bonding Glass and Metal

An example of bonding glass with metal 

Additive Balancing with UV Adhesives

Panacol's specially developed balancing materials can be percisely applied via jetting and then cured with uv light. They are the perfect solution for all additive balancing processes.

Impressions from Trade Fairs

With our colleagues from Panacol-USA at the ATX/MDM West in Anaheim, 2024

Impressions from our market stand at  SMT Connect in Nuremberg Germany, May 2023

Compamed Fair in Dusseldorf Germany, 2023

Impressions from the BondExpo in Stuttgart Germany, October 2023

Our booth at the SPIE Photonics in San Francisco, 2024